Choose from thousands of products from our store and have them delivered to your home, or to your nearest “Mudir Dokan” for free!
Deligram is an omni-channel e-commerce platform striving to make your shopping experience convenient.
- Order from the Deligram App, and receive free delivery at any of our agents around the day, or get them delivered right to your doorstep
- Receive all types of after-sales service right from our Agent Points
- With our flexible replacement policy, you can change your mind right at the last moment at our agent-points
Our aim is to make your shopping easy and convenient.
Deligram is a RahimAfrooz affiliated company, which is a household name delivering lifestyle solutions across Bangladesh for more than 68 years.
从我们商店的数千种产品中进行选择,然后将它们免费送货上门,或者免费送货到您最近的“ Mudir Dokan”!
-通过Deligram App进行订购,全天均可在我们的任何代理商处免费送货,或直接送货上门